Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brushing the dust off the fondant....

As you can see from the date of my last post, I took a few months hiatus! School schedules, and everyday running around, and laundry, and dinner, baths, kids, laundry, and dinner, and cats...(I could go on and on and on...)I felt that I was too busy to commit to cupcakes. I was stressing about deadlines, and perfection, and was beginning to not like it anymore. But then a friend called, and asked if I would do her sister in law's (who is also a friend) baby shower cupcakes. And I said yes....and within that same week, I had 5 more orders! From completely different networks! At that point I realized I missed it, and that with enough notice, I can do it all and not be stressed. So I guess I owe a "thank you" to Sabrina for the push back in that I was waiting for, and didn't know I wanted! Pics soon of things I've been doing...

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